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Working Group 4.1.4 

Robust Positioning for Urban Traffic

Chair: Laura Ruotsalainen (Finland)
Vice-Chair: Fabio Dovis (Italy)

The Working Group will focus on the navigation challenges on the urban environments for greener, safer and more comfortable traffic. At present, navigation is mainly based on the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), providing good performance in open outdoor environments. However, navigation solution with sufficient accuracy and integrity is needed in urban canyons, where GNSS is significantly degraded or unavailable. For overcoming the aforementioned navigation challenges, research has been very active for decades for finding a suitable set of other methods for augmenting or replacing the use of GNSS in positioning for urban traffic.

The Working Group has a major focus on:

  • Specification and characterization of the system requirements, especially from the environmental and safety viewpoints

  • Evaluation of the usability of emerging technologies for the urban traffic navigation, including vision-aiding and collaborative driving systems

  • Selection of best set of technologies fulfilling the system requirements

  • Performance analysis of the selected system both for vehicles and pedestrians in urban areas

  • Selecting the most suitable algorithms for map matching and routing

Specific projects to be undertaken include reporting on and/or establishing links between:

  • The specification and characterization of the system requirements

  • Recommendations on the best set of sensors and technologies to be used

  • The performance analysis of the selected system

  • The most suitable algorithms for map matching and routing in urban environments

  • The outcomes of this WG and other IAG and FIG WGs, EU COST action SaPPART addressing the satellite positioning performance assessment for road transport, and different actors having interest in urban traffic, e.g. transport authorities, car manufacturers